First sweeping our shores in the early 2000s, the bubble tea craze has made recurrent waves and its latest resurgence comes with a nutritious twist and slight throwback – fruit teas. Fruit tea stores are popping up all over the island and here�s why we love them: their drinks are often concocted from traditional Chinese teas, jazzed up by fruits, juices and even floral toppings. These drinks rely less on additives and more on the natural sweetness from teas and fruits, making them the perfect treat for the more health-conscious. Combine inventive blends with café-esque cold-brewing methods and there you have it – the latest beverage to hit us by storm.

So, here�s a look at the yummy new offerings to slurp up. Plus, check out wonderful benefits of different teas that you won�t want to miss!

Benefits of Oolong, Green and Black Teas

Many of the fruit tea bases fall under the Oolong, Green or Black tea varieties – all of which come from the Camellia sinensis plant and boast a chockful of health benefits. These teas are generally rich in anti-oxidants, help to promote weight-loss and contain calming properties. What�s more – Oolong Tea decreases inflammation and promotes healthy teeth and bones, while Green Tea aids in stabilising blood sugar levels and Black Tea boosts your immune system.

Sounds like everything your body would thank you for? Head on down to these stores for that nutritious fix!

1. ParTea

As its name suggests, ParTea is a hybrid of tradition and invention. Their best-selling Rainbow Teas are not only Instagram-worthy, but these traditional teas with fresh fruit chunks make a potent perk-me-up and are deliciously zesty. You�ll be surprised at how well tropical fruits go with their Jasmine Green Tea, Sijichun Tea (a type of Oolong Tea) and Gaoshan Oolong Tea. While the Oolong teas leave a lingering fragrance, the tartness from the fruits well balances out this aftertaste, so that each sip feels like a ‘partea� of the senses.

ParTea prides themselves in using fresh fruits that are prepared daily without the use of additives, colouring and preservatives in their drinks. So, bottoms up to a guilt-free treat on a hot afternoon!

ParTea is available at Waterway Point and Northpoint City.

2. Share Tea

While it isn�t a new kid on the block, Share Tea has a newly revamped menu that features cold-brew teas that will leave its fans pleasantly surprised and back for more.

Used for their Oolong, Jasmine and Earl Grey teas, the cold-brewing method reduces astringency in tea, producing delicately refreshing yet fragrant brews. It�s no wonder why their Oolong Milk Tea and Jasmine Milk Tea are topping the best-seller list! And the next time you treat yourself to any of their delicious cold brews, here�s how you can pair them with different food:

Jasmine Green Tea goes well with sweet treats like cakes, as its slight bitter tinge balances out the tartness of desserts while helping to stabilise blood sugar levels. Oolong Tea aids in digestion so it can help wash down heavy meals, making it the perfect drink after a Mookata feast. As Earl Grey Tea is flavoured with oil from a bergamot orange, its citrusy taste notes well complement fruit tarts.

Sharetea retains the hot-brew method on their Black Tea, which forms the base of their Classic Milk Tea. Black Tea leaves excel under heat, producing a full-bodied intensity and this gives their milk tea that rich and smooth quality.

Would you prefer a hot or cold brew? Head down to Share Tea at Northpoint City to decide!

3. Hi Tea

With an adorable icon and swanky packaging, it�s no surprise why this homegrown brand is a hot favourite in the fruit tea scene. Aesthetics aside, Hi Tea also uses a thorough brewing process for their meticulously blended drinks, as tea leaves are soaked overnight and chilled daily.

Their tasty teas include premium Jasmine Tea that forms the base of their fragrant yet creamy Pineapple Snow, while a mildly smoky Oolong tea is mixed with pineapple, watermelon, lemon, lime, strawberry and passion fruit in the popular Mix Fruit King.

And, great news for all you North-siders – Hi Tea�s second outlet has recently opened at Northpoint City so head on down and start sipping!

4. Teafolia

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Besides an expansive menu that includes 20 different varieties of drinks, what makes Teafolia stand out is their fascinating fruit tea concoctions ­– think grapefruit and dragon fruit blends. And if you�re in the mood for a little more indulgence, be sure to sure to try their Stirring Milk drinks, made up of fresh milk and bubble tea toppings such as pearls, pudding, caramel sauce and even steamed taro cubes. There are also Smoothies and Slushies on the menu, and Ethiopian coffee blends for those of you who can�t get through the day without a cup of joe.

Teafolia is located at Northpoint City.

So, the next time you�re craving for a thirst-quencher, forget that soda and opt for these refreshing drinks that taste like absolute bliss in a cup instead.
